China Sprays for Y2K Bugs
The millennium bug, or Y2K problem, will disable computer and can cause chaos in the
year 2000, when computers will not be able to distinguish from year 2000 to year 1900.
The State Council of China has set a deadline of September 1999, by then all government
computer systems must be revised and millennium bug test must be completed. Chinese
government agencies and government-owned enterprises are working hard to tackle the
problem, because failing to meet the deadline will be punished. It will take a long time to
test and correct China’s 10 million computers. Although a few leading companies has
taken steps to protect their computers from crashing in the year 2000, many small
companies have not yet taken the Y2K bugs into measures, and have made no moves
to prepare their systems. According to the China Economic Times, this caused anxiety
among business partners.
I hope government of China had job done before 2000, so they don't have to lost any
Enterprises and products that they have. I don't think anything go be happen when
It turn to 21 century.
I agree with the article that China government want to protect their computers from crashing in
the year 2000, they must be to prepare to complete their job quite.
The subject related to course is software and computer.